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In this political year of all years, we psephologists and pundits as we laughingly think of ourselves reach out to all sorts of polls, straws in the wind, and proxies, to try to read the public’s mind.  One of the best and certainly the most fun to consult this way is Cologne’s Lenten Carnival, where a huge parade of satirical statues on floats takes place at the start of Lent.   Who’s up and who’s down and who is sticking in the mind of Joe Public?  What are the concerns and worries of Mitteleuropa?

The elephant in the political china shop.

Naturally there are a load of floats bearing tableau of specific interest to Germans.  Olaf Scholz as a sloth, AFG etc.   We would expect that, but who else features?   Well, the EU gets a fair old kicking for its migration policies.  Putin, everyone’s pet bogyman features too.  Several times too!  Zelensky as well has a very prominent and very well constructed float.  The quality of the imagery is excellent throughout.

Trump stabbing Ukraine in the back.

Hamas and Israel are there too with Hamas shown either hiding behind civilians, or cynically pushing them into the way of Israeli tanks.

But what about America you might ask?  Indeed,  yes the States feature prominently, There are several but er how to put this ……. They all without exception feature Trump.  Not all are complimentary of course that would be too much to ask from Carnival.  But it’s Trump all down the street.

But the big take-away for Democrats is that Biden did not feature at all.  Not once.  Biden the nowhere man.

Oooh er!  Bad news for Biden’s campaign.

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