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Since my last entry seems to have depressed some readers, I thought tonight I might attempt some levity.  I have therefore thumbed through the various offerings from both sides, the limping  Liberal Dems, and the triumphant Trumpian right, and found a couple of interesting trends.

Almost without exception to my survey, such as it is,  the Democrat supporting satirists are all visual.  Take the example above.  It’s very typical and various similar featured on past “Kings”.  On a personal note, I cannot move in the house for various toilet papers embossed with the Donald on them.  Christmas Gifts in years past.  Scatological being a very leftish trope.  

But not as much Biden lavatory paper and no Biden as God of Warhammer etc.  Tell me if I am wrong. “I’ve got your butt” Biden lavy paper would be a winner.

Biden instead is a verbal gift.  They make songs about Sleepy Joe.  Not that anyone is suggesting them as lullabies.  Children are too precious.

So where might these gems be hiding?  And yes, we can move on from “Lets Go Brandon”.

“Walk like a Biden”

“C’Mon Man” A jolly little sing-a-long featuring all his famous misquotes and mangled phraseology.

An Old Man’s Time” wonderfully done to the tune of Auld Lang Sang.

Frosty the Snowman”  with the line “ a geriatric soul with befuddled eyes and a curious nose.”  And snow man morphs into slow man.

I’m too Sketchy for this (White) House.

Wizard of Oz staring Biden as the Scarecrow with no brain.  Try these lyrics “I could concentrate for hours, my presidential powers to compensate Ukraine if I only had a brain.

“To avoid repercussions, I could pin it on the Russians -if I only had brain”

Naturally I fully expect endless suggestions of those I have missed (on either side!)

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