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1382374_677784048900486_800641368_nNow that the mince pies are finished, the balloons all limp, and the fizz all drunk, our minds may turn again to politics.  And some have quite extraordinary plans to catch our attention in this the run up to the mid-terms.

Take Lawrence Lessig, a Law Professor at Harvard who is planning to walk across New Hampshire (the long way 185 miles) to publicise his campaign against the corruption of Congress by the influence of moneyed lobbyists.

In his own words “the #NHRebellion was inspired by the late Doris Haddock, aka, Granny D, a citizen of New Hampshire, and who, at the age of 88, walked across the country with a simple sign on her chest: “campaign finance reform.”

Lawrence intends to start off at January 11th and take two weeks over the journey.  It will not be easy.  Temperatures in a New Hampshire January can be sharp.   It was minus 19 in Dartmouth recently.

Lawrence puts it this way on his blog.

Long before I came to the issue, Granny D was recruiting anyone she could to the critically important cause of changing the way campaigns are financed. She believed, as I do, that the current system is a kind of “corruption.” And she believed, as I have come to believe, that unless we find a way to change it, our government will be incapable of addressing sensibly any of the critical issues that it must resolve. Granny D devoted the last part of her life to this fight. The #NHRebellion will continue her work.

The point of the January march is to focus the citizens of New Hampshire on this critical issue of corruption, so that they in turn will focus the candidates in 2016 on corruption too. We will be asking people from across the state to ask the candidates they will inevitably meet over the next two years: “How will you end this corruption?” And the hope is that if New Hampshire makes this an issue, it might well become an issue for the nation as well. “

We have seen this sort of grass root action before, a couple of years ago I reported on Paul Mathison’s “Running Against Redistricting” when he walked across Pennsylvania in 2011.  Sadly these events are starved of the oxygen of publicity they need and fade swiftly from the memory or are dismissed as soon as the media return with their usual diet of films, reality TV and sport.

Somehow I doubt Mr Lessig’s endeavours will gain much coverage with this mainstream press, things being as they are, however if the smaller outlets on the internet give Mr Lessig the shout he deserves, then maybe his efforts will not be lost.  There are of course the blog and Facebook outlets.  Why not visit and give the guy a boost?

Finally I leave you with his YouTube presentation which is witty and informative of the points he wishes to get across.

Copyright David Macadam 2014